• drevicko's avatar
    use emoionml names for fsre and pad dimensions · f6271495
    drevicko authored
    This lines up the names in the conversion plugins with the [emotionML suggested vocab](https://www.w3.org/TR/emotion-voc/#dimensions).
    emoml has different names for the 4-dimensional fsre scheme and the 3-dimensional vad scheme, which this pull request has added.
    I've added the "unpredictability" dimension and mapped big6:surprise to it's maximum value. The assumption is that surprise varies between 5 and 10 to be in line with the other dimensions (no such thing as negative surprise, so no values less than 5). I see that arousal also has all values >5 (so no negative arousal). Ideally, surprise mappings for V, A and D should be calculated empirically - I think there'll be some arousal and possibly slightly lowered dominance.
    I wonder if we should use another colon in the emoml names, eg: "emoml:fsredim:valence" or "emoml:big6:happiness", since the [emoml suggested vocab](https://www.w3.org/TR/emotion-voc/xml) only specifies names like "happiness" in a category "big6" (ie: it's hard to know which is the category in "big6happiness").
    We'd have to go through the example plugins and make sure they also conform...
    open to discussion on this btw...
    ps: apologies for multiple changes in this one pr..